Monday, August 13, 2007


Hey, Saturday night we hung out at some of Dan and michelle’s friends, unfortunately Dan had to go back to work for over an hour, so until he got back I was the only guy on the girls night out. It was ok they prepared brownies so I was happy. We watched a movie called Ghandi, it was very good, the day before Eric Johnson had talked about being a voice and that’s what Ghandi was he saw the plight of the people and he spoke it out.

We are all to be voices, but whose?

Yesterday morning I went to service Brian and Jenn weren’t leading the service, it’s weird I kept try to figure out who the worship leader reminded me of, his face reminded me of Valentino Rossi mixed with a bus driver who works in our area, his figure reminded me of Jeremy. It was good, something iv had these last 2 day during worship I get really distracted which is weird I don’t know why.

Bill Johnson spoke in the morning good stuff there was a lot of depth to it. About living for coming generations, pursuing God not only for ourselves but especially for generations we will never see.

In the afternoon we ate with michelle’s family it’s a huge family 2 brothers and 4 sisters, plus 3 visitors including me, the parents and Dan obviously. We just ate burgers and stuff.

In the evening Brian and Jenn led worship, Kris Valloton spoke, man he has such a revelation of the us as princes I had read a bit of supernatural ways of royalty it was similar to that, so good, we need to renew our mind to know that we are royals and noble people, sons of God and we should act like it. The way we see ourselves changes the way we talk, live and all that, it changes the way we act towards the poor, the rich, God, the enemy, family…

After the service there was a fire tunnel we went through twice, hehe. We then went to the supermarket bought a couple of things we met michelle’s family there again. We then went home and chat for the rest of the night, me and Dan were up till almost 2 in the morning coz he was building a model so we chat while he was doing that.

That’s it for today, good day