Saturday, July 14, 2007

july 14 07 concord NC

hey so last couple of days were interesting. iv attended classes here at fire school wednesday- friday, i got to choose basically any class i wanted so people just told me which were the best and i went for those. had lessons with Mike Brown, Bob Gladstone, Josh Peters and Scott Volk. still havent actually met mike brown he's running full throttle from place to place. he was at the call saturday, monday tuesday he was in dallas and yesterday he left here for atlanta. but i met the others, not that i actually got to talk to them that much.

but i did get to meet Joel a guy Fabian had told me to i had to meet while i was here, he together with a grad or 3rd year takes care of the healing team ministry and yesterday i went out with that group so in the morning i went with that team to pray and talk and stuff and u know how often in these situations i cant keep my mouth shut, so i didnt and talked with them a bit.

back to thursday evening, i went to the service. worship was good, God was glorified and he was present. Bob Gladstone had a really good message, which i recorded and put on the blog. basically it was about not being satisfied with signs and wonders and not being disappointed without them but rather to rest in God, listening to his still small voice, and being intimate with Him, desiring signs and wonders but not looking for God in them but they are part of what God does not who he is. he used 1 kings 19 i think it was where Elijah escaped from Jezebel and God spoke to him. and God sent an earthquake, a strong wind ad fire but God was not in them , but then He was in the still small voice.

so what about the healing teams yesterday.
we met and split into 4 groups and went door to door looking for people to pray for. i was in a group of 3, we didnt meet any people who were sick and told us about it, well we met a kid who told us that his grandma was sick, we told him to call her but first he said she was on the phone and then we went again after 20 minutes and he said she was in the shower, when we noticed he was laughing we figured he was probably lying but i guess that's ok. we asked to pray for him but he said she wouldnt let him out, so we left and prayed on the road.

we found another guy no sickness or anything so we just witnessed to him, it was so to say frustrating that he knew he was going to hell but didnt seem to be concerned about it we spoke with him for a long time in the end we prayed with Him. mostly that he would see God's love and judgment and choose God over sin. the other guy in our group prayed that he would be miserable until he repented i prayed he wouldnt sleep until he repented. after prayer we i told him what i felt that he love his sin even though he knew it was destroying him. i told him to choose between God and sin and that i wished i could make the choice for him but i couldnt. so then we left. we had to go back coz basically we only had half an hour because we went out late and were supposed to head back by 9. we talked to another lady briefly, very religious mindset, she told us to go pray for elderly people up the road. that was it for our group.

in another group they had some sweet stuff. there was one guy who had a leg 3 inches shorter than the other. so they prayed ant told him to walk without limping and the leg grew by about 2 inches or maybe a bit more, it was still a bit shorter than the other, but al the pain was gone and he could walk naturally, he was jumping and celebrating. so that was pretty good i forgot what else happpened.

another group had some pretty good testimonies as well, a woman with cancer she said she felt better but she will have to do tests one of her children had something wrong with his ears so they prayed for that. dunno if got healed thtere and then but i know for sure that they ended up repentin even of bad language and stuff apparentlyit was very spontaneous repentance so it was good.

im not sure what happened with the other group they went to a hispanic home and i think they were there all the time not sure wat they did i guess they talk to this family they had already talk to before.

this morning we went to the abortion clinic, it was sad there is better word for it but cant think of it right now something like solemn i guess. i had teary eyes quite a few times. i couldnt bare the fact that i was at a place where babies were murdered and people just didnt care. even the security guy was laughing and making jokes about us with the girls outside the clinic before going in.

what we did was:

first we gave out literature and begged people not to kill their babies, to reconsider, and told them of other options they had like adoption, and they even offered free pre-natal medical care, free delivery and financial help for the mothers that would not kill the baby. including showers and stuff like that. also that they have contact for free adoption agencies

then more people came we set up a sound system and a couple of posters of an aborted baby to show them what they are doing. we used the sound system to pray, preach the gospel and God's heart and let people know of options and stuff like that like that it is better to give the child to adoption then to kill it. We had a policeman stop by 3 times but they he was ok first time he came and left the second and third time he talked to some people but i dont think he was telling them to stop or anything they were just chatting and stuff.

at the end the most emotional part maybe was a mother coming out almost crying she stopped to talk to the girls she had already gone through with it, but she felt really bad so the girls talked to her and and 1 of them ended up giving her the number.

one of the girls there was actually the girl who was arrested in the senate, usually the parents who were also arrested for disrupting the senate by asking for forgiveness out loud when a hindu priest stood to pray in the senate. they were in prison for 6 hours but they got bailed out. the video on youtubewas view over 40,000 times within 4 hours with a whole debate going on. some people might disagree but in my eyes someone stood up for what is right. even the fact the girl is actually pretty quite in general i think she is even younger than i am and its not like she was a judgmental or anything like that even when begging people to reconsider.

any way peace to all im hoping to put some pictures on the blog hopefuly today if i do that ill email u guys.


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