Monday, July 23, 2007


Saturday evening we went downtown to preach and pray for the sick and that. Was good, we got to pray for a few people. I prayed for 2 guys who thought they could make it to heaven by their own being good, I had spoken to them for 10 mins so I told them let me just pray for u, so I prayed that they would realize the sinfulness of their heart and the mercy of God, that they wouldn’t sleep until they repent stuff like that and that they would get to know God.

Also prayed with one guy who had crutches, he had sprained his ankle playing basket ball, so I prayed for him 2 times, he was afraid to try it, I told him no matter what it felt like he was healed he crossed the road and I saw him try a few steps without the crutches but he put them back on.

There was one girl who repented on her knees and gave her life to Christ there on the street. Joel was talking to her and one of the Morningstar girls came across the street and started discipling her and telling her that some of her friends might reject her and talked to her about her boyfriend living with her. She got her number and she was goin to pick her up for church Sunday. They were talking to her for about 30 mins.

One of the girls spent like 20 mins talking to a girl until her friends made her leave but she had already prayed with her.

There was one guy who came to ask us for help, somewhere to live coz his wife had had an epileptic fitz and all their money had been stolen. We talk to some others and they told us it was probably a scam and that we should not go back but if he talked to us we should tell him to go to police station and talk to them since they would have the numbers to homeless shelters. So that’s what we did, we didn’t go but he came looking for us as soon as we left the spot we were in and I told him what we were told, he looked a bit angry but he just left.

We moved to another spot opposite some night clubs, Joel carries a life size cross around him to attract or push away people and he preaches of the foolishness of the cross. We had 2 girls come up to us before we started they said they were Christians but the way they were dressed u could tell they were religious not saved. They were there to get drunk, so Joel talked to them a bit and prayed for them.

He started to preach we got a few different responses more negative, someone gave Joel 20 dollars (lol) he was a bit shocked and he told us later its not the first time sometimes he feels he shouldn’t take it but sometimes he does. We had another guy start rapping about Jesus. We had a few people mock us, a drunk guy came hugging us and then left screaming “the devil has taken me! the devil has taken me!”. Joel asked me to take his place which I did but the cross was pushing me over I couldn’t preach for too long like that. I later preached with some of the other guys without the cross. Only for a couple of minutes in all first time I stood on a newspaper box (where people pick free newspapers and magazines) to be higher up get more range and more attention but then I was told to go down coz I could get arrested for vandalism so I stepped down. Later just before leaving I just told them to choose whom they will serve sin or God, coz there is no other choice.

On our way back we met another guy from fire and the street preacher we were with last week, they were next to Morningstar, they told us some testimonies of deliverances and that. But I didn’t hear the details coz I wasn’t talking to them.

Yesterday service was really good with a lot of prayer and worship, for most of the first half an hour or something I was really distracted, I was worship with all my heart but my mind was not there. The message by mike brown was good I was freezing to death and falling asleep so I thought it was a bit too long. But it was good. The message was from acts 18 and it was about not depending on ourselves but on God.

I met a guy (fire grad) whom I had met a couple of years ago in Sicily he was with John Cava, him and his wife are planning to move to Germany to do some work there. They took my email so they would be able to contact me if they were planning to come to Malta or something of that sort.

In the afternoon we went to play volleyball I hadn’t played in around 10 probably, so it helped remind me that I don’t know how to serve. The rest was ok but serving I couldn’t really do, out of 4/5 I did one that was good. Most of the rest of the day I tried to pray but ended up sleeping instead.

Today I don’t have a clue what is goin to happen might go to a prayer meeting this evening. I’ve got a soar throat and my nose was blocked for most of the night I guess from the street preaching and shouting.

Hope ur all doing well peace to all.

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