Saturday, September 15, 2007


Hey today we are moving out from Dallas to Fort Worth, been a busy week I wish I sent an email earlier but we were really busy, I wasn’t so much packing as doing other little things here and there. I was still pretty busy with doing some stuff on Fabian’s site, researching and reading stuff for the article about Sudan (so unimaginable, it’s so different reading about it I kind of wish I knew what they went through more closely)

Last Saturday at Miami, Ok while Fabian preached I got to take a few others with me to a skate park where I preached a bit, talked more one on one and prayed for a couple of people. It was cool because a few of them where telling us why they left church (blaming God for something, letting people get in the way).

Oh yeah the guy who was an alcoholic the day before Saturday he came out clean, well dressed and all that. Sunday morning he also came and was even better dressed than I was hehe. Sunday morning Fabian preached about redeeming the time, starting with showing some pictures from Vietnam. Sunday evening he talked about the Holy Spirit and at the end everyone went up for prayer to receive more or receive for the first time, sweet stuff, there was at least one who hadn’t spoken in tongues since she was a child and spoke again for the first time that evening, she’s 21 so that’s still a long time.

Part 2

Hey so I had to switch off to pack my computer up. Now its 21:16, it’s been a long day. We had to go to pick a fridge first coz the new place didn’t have one, then we had to go to another place and pick up (oh we used a truck) Fabian’s tent from someone else’s house, that’s a lot of work good thing we were four guys and we also had a wheel barrow which was very helpful.

That took just under an hour to load. We then went to Fabian’s apartment where we picked up all the stuff from the house, which took about 3 more hours the other 2 other guys help us out, we had a pizza break in between, oh yeah we also heard 3 gun shots and after a short break we heard 3 more, didn’t see anything just heard it and saw people coming out to have a look. That sort of thing was part of the reason they moved from there.

On the way between Dallas and Fort Worth I slept even though I was supposed to read directions. When we unloaded we did all of it in about 2 hours which is great, a couple from Fort Worth came to help us out. I’m tired now it’s good to relax a bit.

Ok so now back to what happened throughout the week. Monday morning we left Oklahoma relatively early by Fabian’s standard (meaning 9 am). We stopped at Tulsa on the way went to the offices of TL Osborn’s ministry offices. We bought a few books, they were really nice to us, we didn’t know our way home so one guy just took us into his office showed us where we needed to go on a map on his pc and then printed out the map with details.

Through out the week I helped out pack a bit, did work on Fabian’s site, ripped cds, put stuff on my site (oh we set up a chat room you can go to from the site with the help of John from Arabs for Christ) check it out I probably won’t be on much till I get home but probably John might be on and maybe some others if you go on u might be able to write /list and there u will find a room called Malta. I’m actually the host of that room. Been talking with John quite a bit, things in Malta might start happening sooner than expected because he had to leave Iraq. So we’ll see.

Yesterday I went to Christ For the Nations it’s the school Rick Peno came out of I think, they had a worship night, it was very good with a mixture of a whole lot of different styles. I then went out on the streets to the gay community; I really wanted to preach when I got there, there were people from heartland with doing worship and gathering people to pray over them. I met with Joseph first, then I met Angela the street preacher who usually comes with us. She came out with Heartland so she had to stay with them.

We then asked permission to go to a different place to minister we went to a good place to preach but a band was playing across the street so it would have been very hard for me to preach. So we walked back to where the others were to ask permission to go to a different place. Before we crossed the street Angela stopped to talk to 2 guys inviting them to prayer and a security guy just came up to us to stop us. Angela doesn’t take that sort of thing she was kinda nice but you know “thank God for freedom of speech” as she put it, she offered to pray for him and he started to get really nervous, he was different Angela said she thought he was on crack I think he was just a gay who stammered. Then 2 people came from the heartland team to stop us and take us back coz apparently he was flashing his torch at the police to come stop us.

So we went across the street where they were then we asked to go to a different spot, I think they told us not to stir any trouble, so we went to another spot, a guy came asking for money he was shaking he said it was his way of breathing because of cigarettes we both thought he was on something, so while I was looking for money which I couldn’t find angela prayed on him, while praying a demon possessed guy walked up quietly when angela finished the guy asked him for money the guy grabbed him from his head and screamed “body I come back” I think he was calling out demons or something, we just walked away, maybe we should have confronted but we didn’t (we later saw the demon possessed guy with the worship team well not with them but dancing around them).

So then I started to preach, after a bit people from heartland came and told us the leader wanted us back with the worship team, so I world angela to go and I stayed for a couple more minutes, when you preach ur supposed to be at least 2 people so if people come to talk to you, you don’t stop preaching and keep on going, even if police come they don’t talk to the preacher but the other person, so it felt weird being on my own, I started to get a bit fearful but it was ok I guess (not enough to stop). Then Joseph came so I had a bit of back up, but then I stopped coz he was suggesting going to another quieter place so I went with him we also went to the store to buy a drink and do our business.

The place he had in mind was too quiet there weren’t any more people there. We started heading back to where the others were at the corner where we were going to preach earlier it had quieted down so I was going to preach but before I started I saw a guy and started talking to him it took quite sometime, the usual they believe they are right with God and yet they choose to live in sin, it’s painful they believe we are deceived and there is no biblical backing for what they believe

Romans 1:22-26
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

It’s so hard considering the fact that they believe that Jesus died so they can keep living in sin and have a free ticket to heaven. But he died that we might be freed from sin not freed to live in sin.

James also said James 2:18-20
18 But a man may say, You have faith and I have works; let me see your faith without your works, and I will make my faith clear to you by my works.
19 You have the belief that God is one, and you do well: the evil spirits have the same belief, shaking with fear.
20 Do you not see, O foolish man, that faith without works is of no use?

(sorry bout KJV style earlier it’s the version I have on the PC this one here is easier)

While I was thinking about it later, first I thought about all the people who justify sin and call themselves Christians and this includes pastors, prophets (we actually across both of these in the gay community), apostles…

The encouraging thing was I was seeing how much bolder Joseph was getting, he wouldn’t even give me time to speak sometimes, he used to be just a conference going I think he went out on the streets for the first time when I got here 2 weeks ago, his brother preached for the first time since I’ve been here as well. That’s encouraging.

I thought id soak up a bit from the worship out there and then go to preach again coz I didn’t have anything else to preach on. But after a while Joseph needed to go home coz he wasn’t feeling so good and he was giving me a ride home because Fabian had to go home and keep preparing for today so he only dropped me off. So we left I was out only for an hour or so.

Ill see most of you soon, I get home Tuesday night at 9pm

I guess that’s it for today, I can barely keep my eyes open


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