there were some morningstar people on the street doing worship, rapping kinda, preaching stuff like that. we were a group of 6 and split into 2 teams we met a couple of street preachers one of them actually only got saved 2 weeks ago. so we got to preach at a street corner to people walking by and cars that stop on the lights. first time street preaching, which i had been looking forward to. while there we got to pray with a guy who was homeless and was only saved recently, he found a job and got his first wage so he was being tempted to spend them on drugs or drinking which he was addicted to. so we talked to him bout the holy spirit which gives us the ability not to sin, we prayed for him and told him not to look to sin but to Jesus so he wouldnt fall.
we then went one on one. well 3 on 1/2/3 whatever. so... we had some weird experiances with homeless people claiming they had a special revelation from God that God has got both good and evil DNA (hmmm) and that Jesus was the son of david because God took david's seed and gave it to mary. weird stuff. so we ended up wasting ages with him trying to show him the truth while he was trying to show us the truth and he was actually preaching to others bout this stuff. so anyway in the end we ended up praying with him and prayed that if he was right the truth would be revealed to us and if we were wrong the truth would be revealed to him.
then we prayed with a lady who had something wrong with her wrists not sure what, she said she felt better but im not sure coz she was helping out a guy singing in the streets, gospel songs for money, that being twisted as it was i think she might have been lying. but if she wasnt that's good.
we made a friend who works at burger King so thats a seed that could be developed further. we spoke to a few more people but nothing much happened. we hung out around morning star peole for a while, i made a few recordings, some of them werent that great but it was good pretty spontaneaous for the most part. ill try to upload them soon
today during service bob gladstone preached again from acts 17 mostly on widom being bold he also used proverbs 1 and a few others. i also recorded that and ill try to upload it what did u guys think of the place we went swimming? btw sorry about the visdeao of just green and that but since we dont really have that back home i enjoy the beauty of that stuff more.
we had a picknic today ina park here, was ok a lot of food and since i wasnt talking or playing volley ball i ended up either eating or walking or laying somewhere to pray/sleep to occupy myself. i talked to people as well but u know me.
by the time u read this the recordings of morningstar people and Bob gladstone would be uploaded
peace to u all
btw this is what the rubbish looks like at the house im staying they threw it away now but that was last night.
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