Ok so what have I been up to?
The trip was good landed and took off 6 times total and by the 4th time my ears were crackling every time I did some weird thing with my mouth, ate or something. It was a bit painful.
On the flight between LA and Dallas I had 2 older people next to me man and a lady and I was in between, so I had a couple of interesting conversations bout general stuff. I was asking God for a prophetic word for one of them. I then felt I had something for the lady so I told her after about an hour of thinking about it. That went good and I got to pray for her as well. After the flight she gave me her business card coz Fabian didn’t show up for a while so she said “if he doesn’t show up just call me I live close by”
But he showed up there was only some traffic on the way.
Since then I’ve been at his house helping him with his web site, working on mine and playing with Micah (his son) (irrid! Lol ). Yesterday I went a bought a pair of jeans cause mine were falling apart, I had sown up one side but then the other side started falling apart too.
Ok so the site is now online with a message board, a blog, e-books and all the other stuff. You can start coming up with subjects to write about on the blog, there is only one post so far which I have put on there. I also put a few ads, free, just to promote different stuff like voice of the martyrs.
Have a look and start writing on the message board:
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
There’s a lot of cool shop windows graffiti all over, the wall to the side of the JHOP building is known world wide apparently Cause they call in all the Pro graffiti artists to work on it and people come to take photo shoots here, I took a couple of pictures from the window.
I think that’s it for today peace to all of you maybe you be blessed with the ever lasting love of our Father.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Hey this should be just a short email (Hopefully). did i send the last email yesterday or not? yesterday i spent the morning at the prayer room and the cafeteria at the church. Finished reading red moon rising and started reading 'Dreaming with God' yesterday morning, it's a very good book and dealing with some of the things im facing at the moment where im praying or worshipping and ideas keep coming up about stuff. someone should borrow it when i get back even red moon rising.
Yesterday evening i went with michelle to a park and met with some people to worship well the some people wasnt really that many only three more and what michelle didnt know is that they were all girls well more like women. anyway. it was a good time of worship, we did some sponatneous stuff together with normal songs. one gut sat close by to listen while he smoked his cigarette, then another guy came to compliment us and asked if we were in a band, one of the girls told him we were just worshipping and he's like oh my brother is an indian travelling preacher he came and gave us an indian hand shake then he left after a bit, then another guy came offering us weed lol.
Today i stayed at home in the morning i 'prayed' meaning (i tried to pray but slept for 2-3 hours) which is good as well then i watched part of a movie and read most of the day, i researched a bit about Darfur and Sudan, so i can write about them. also intervied the 2 guys im living with for the revival section. oh btw one of the girls i was with yesterday also had God speaking to her about starting a magazine mostly focused on revival and testimonies and stuff like that. Oh i just remembered yesterday i didnt really read that much coz a designed an idea for the website for the magazine, then i spent about 3-4 hours working on a logo but in the end i just ended up playing around with a picture and having fun afteri got over the point of frustration coz i wasnt achieving anything. I later did another idea whic is more my style, the imagery is not really related just used squares which is typical for me but i kinda like the idea, if someone gets an idea for it send it in.
I might start working on the article about here right after i send this email even though it's getting a bit late.
Oh i wanted to let u guys know 24-7 are holding a gathering at seville spain for all those involved or who would want to get involved just in case anyone wants to go here's a link with more detail. http://www.24-7prayer.com/cm/general/feast-2007
Have a good morning while i have a good night on the other side of the world
btw i don t know if i told you but tomorrow evening we might go down to JHOP san fransisco but im not sure, things arent clear yet, i would go down tomorrow and return saturday night
Yesterday evening i went with michelle to a park and met with some people to worship well the some people wasnt really that many only three more and what michelle didnt know is that they were all girls well more like women. anyway. it was a good time of worship, we did some sponatneous stuff together with normal songs. one gut sat close by to listen while he smoked his cigarette, then another guy came to compliment us and asked if we were in a band, one of the girls told him we were just worshipping and he's like oh my brother is an indian travelling preacher he came and gave us an indian hand shake then he left after a bit, then another guy came offering us weed lol.
Today i stayed at home in the morning i 'prayed' meaning (i tried to pray but slept for 2-3 hours) which is good as well then i watched part of a movie and read most of the day, i researched a bit about Darfur and Sudan, so i can write about them. also intervied the 2 guys im living with for the revival section. oh btw one of the girls i was with yesterday also had God speaking to her about starting a magazine mostly focused on revival and testimonies and stuff like that. Oh i just remembered yesterday i didnt really read that much coz a designed an idea for the website for the magazine, then i spent about 3-4 hours working on a logo but in the end i just ended up playing around with a picture and having fun afteri got over the point of frustration coz i wasnt achieving anything. I later did another idea whic is more my style, the imagery is not really related just used squares which is typical for me but i kinda like the idea, if someone gets an idea for it send it in.
I might start working on the article about here right after i send this email even though it's getting a bit late.
Oh i wanted to let u guys know 24-7 are holding a gathering at seville spain for all those involved or who would want to get involved just in case anyone wants to go here's a link with more detail. http://www.24-7prayer.com/cm/general/feast-2007
Have a good morning while i have a good night on the other side of the world
btw i don t know if i told you but tomorrow evening we might go down to JHOP san fransisco but im not sure, things arent clear yet, i would go down tomorrow and return saturday night
Monday, August 20, 2007
Hey hows it goin? I’ve had a relatively good couple of days a bit of a struggle at some points but it’s been good. I keep dreaming and imagining things I want to see done, like different jobs people coming off drugs or prostitution could be taught to do which would support them and the house. Coffee shops (maybe even mobile), sowing one off creative clothes which could be sold at bugibba or PV or Valletta, and even producing crafted objects made out of anything from clay to metal which are then sold either on a web site or at city gate or something.
At the same time wondering how and when is it going to start, who is going to be involved and where are we going to be (we would need a building) so druggies and prostitutes don’t go straight back home and to their friends but rather stay somewhere until they are solid. Where is the money going to come from? I know some one who said they might help with stuff but since there is no communication it gets hard to depend on someone who doesn’t respond, but maybe it’s a question of timing, who knows. Been thinking of doing dreadlocks but I don’t know yet.
Sunday Jim Goll spoke in the morning at Bethel, I don’t remember most of what he said, I only remember some stuff but I had teary eyes through most of the first part when he was mostly prophesying over Redding and Bethel but I wanted those words for Malta.
One thing a few of you might be interested in would be his ministry is starting a Global Moravian prayer watch on 11 September they will launch it on their site and whoever wants to can sign up for an hour slot anytime anywhere in the world you enter the time and time zone and join how ever many people will be praying at that time around the world.
In the evening service it was a meeting mostly aimed at people who live here since school is starting soon and that means around 700 new people which they have no space where to put considering even yesterday they had to over flow room but that only seats a few hundred so they are going to use the university hall where instead of 2 service in the morning they will have three.
So he spoke about the inconvenience it would be for everyone, he also spoke a lot about being a community and being hospitable helping everyone who comes in from anywhere. He also urged people to pray and pursue God for a cancer free zone as well as pursuing a corporate anointing to see ALL healed not just a few.
He has a beautiful heart like all the people here seem to have, Kris and Jim Goll also spoke a bit on the same themes mostly.
Last night after service I moved to a new house, and Dan and michelle either moved out last night or today, not sure. The guy I’m staying with is nice, he is Kris Vallotton’s assistant, interning with him.
Peace to u all
At the same time wondering how and when is it going to start, who is going to be involved and where are we going to be (we would need a building) so druggies and prostitutes don’t go straight back home and to their friends but rather stay somewhere until they are solid. Where is the money going to come from? I know some one who said they might help with stuff but since there is no communication it gets hard to depend on someone who doesn’t respond, but maybe it’s a question of timing, who knows. Been thinking of doing dreadlocks but I don’t know yet.
Sunday Jim Goll spoke in the morning at Bethel, I don’t remember most of what he said, I only remember some stuff but I had teary eyes through most of the first part when he was mostly prophesying over Redding and Bethel but I wanted those words for Malta.
One thing a few of you might be interested in would be his ministry is starting a Global Moravian prayer watch on 11 September they will launch it on their site and whoever wants to can sign up for an hour slot anytime anywhere in the world you enter the time and time zone and join how ever many people will be praying at that time around the world.
In the evening service it was a meeting mostly aimed at people who live here since school is starting soon and that means around 700 new people which they have no space where to put considering even yesterday they had to over flow room but that only seats a few hundred so they are going to use the university hall where instead of 2 service in the morning they will have three.
So he spoke about the inconvenience it would be for everyone, he also spoke a lot about being a community and being hospitable helping everyone who comes in from anywhere. He also urged people to pray and pursue God for a cancer free zone as well as pursuing a corporate anointing to see ALL healed not just a few.
He has a beautiful heart like all the people here seem to have, Kris and Jim Goll also spoke a bit on the same themes mostly.
Last night after service I moved to a new house, and Dan and michelle either moved out last night or today, not sure. The guy I’m staying with is nice, he is Kris Vallotton’s assistant, interning with him.
Peace to u all
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Hey yesterday I went with Michelle to the Friday night service, Rick Peno was doing worship. It was Amazing! A major part of the worship was like this, he would see a picture of something and he would just sing it out like He saw Jesus with a bucket of oil so he started singing about Jesus smearing His name over us.
I danced and danced for the most part I just didn’t care what people thought and let go, at some points id get a bit conscious and would slow down a bit. The best and fun(est) part was when he started singing this song:
I’ve got the best dad
in the whole world
in the whole world
I’ve got the best dad
in the whole world
in the whole world
I’ve got the best dad
in the whole world
in the whole world
the other part was something like this but not sure of the exact words
My dad can,
beat your daddy up
My dad can,
beat your daddy up
there was another part at some point which said im not afraid of no bully
any way it was awesome, and there were a lot of people drunk in the spirit so at some points that made the whole thing even more fun. Here’s a good and fun place to get drunk in the spirit. There’s this one girl she laughs so loud and she laugh kinda like a mixture between a donkey and a chicken so u can just try to picture that. I had seen her last week before homeless outreach and I actually thought she was handicap but it turned out she is normal just has a lot of joy and laughs very loud and all the other stuff with that.
I noticed that part of the drunkenness is letting go, like you can choose to control yourself or you can decide to just let go, obviously not all react the same, I for example don’t get that maybe some day I will. But even if im dancing I can choose to control myself or I can choose to just let go which is ultimately more fun and more powerful.
After worship I joined the others for the night strike, it took us a long time before we left the service had already finished, we just prayed over each other before we left, locals over visitors and visitors over locals and people prophesying over each other, people drunk, Erika was leading and she was basically drunk but she can sober up quite quickly.
We went bought some doughnuts and went to the greyhound station. Before the bus came we hung out inside and talked to people there. Erika and someone else were talking to this man and his mother. The guy had just been talking to his mom about how he had fallen away from God the day before, so he re-committed his life to Christ there and then and he shared his testimony out loud in the station.
Some went on the buses gave out doughnuts, talked with people, prayed with people. One lady sang for the people on the bus, it was very good apparently. There was one guy who had just come out of prison and was going back home, he got saved in prison and was going back home where his old friends were, so he was a bit worried about that so Erica just prophesied over him and prayed and stuff. His girlfriend was a few seats back on the bus, he used to beat her up and stuff and she still had stitch marks and stuff from what I heard, Erica spoke to her about how she needed to forgive him but it didn’t mean she would have to trust him… By the time they left the bus these 2 were on the same seat crying.
There was quite some stuff that happened there but I wasn’t there so I don’t know al the details. I stayed inside the station since I started talking to this one guy before the bus came. Some people had tried to talk to him but he was really hard. He had just come from an eastern orthodox monastery, but he said he didn’t know how to pray spontaneously so I asked him what he thought prayed was. He couldn’t understand my accent so I told him I that I was a foreigner and that’s how we started just chatting and stuff.
So we talked about why he had converted to eastern orthodox, traditions, what it was like to be in a country where everyone else is from a different religion, travelling, Europe and here, politics, anything. The most important part was when he started talking about struggling with sin so I mentioned Romans 6-8 and talked about freedom from sin in Christ. That we are holy not because we make ourselves holy but be cause he comes to live in us and his holy nature takes over our sinful nature. And talked about when you are just struggling with a particular sin the best thing to do is not fight it off but to look to Christ meditate on Him and he will do the fighting for you. Talked a bit about holy Spirit asked if I could pray to Him about it but he wouldn’t let me so I asked if I could pray when I was home and he said yes.
After that I went outside and around a bit, met a homeless guy outside who told me he just got out of prison because he had a seizure so I asked if I could pray for him to get healed from that and he said go ahead so I did. He looked kind of drunk red skin and red eyes and stuff but he said he was on medication so he couldn’t function properly. A friend of his came out and I talked to him for a bit and asked if there was anything I could pray for him about and he said his girlfriend gets seizures all the time and that she had already had three that day. So I called the lady that had been singing and we prayed while we were praying she got another seizure so we kept praying and worshiping with them but then we just let them go cause they needed to go somewhere for the night.
The others all came out ready to leave at this point, James the first homeless guy I prayed for got prayed for by everyone else and he committed his life to Christ, I hope that was sincere and God does a great work in Him. Another lady a friend of his who had been out of town for a few months came with her drink cursing at him in a friendly manner, and he asked her if she wanted to pray and she said they had a date for Friday at church. Some prayed with her as well. She was telling us how she remembered Erica because some months ago she had Gone there with brownies for everyone and how she was blessed by that. Then we all shared some testimonies and prayed and went home.
This morning I went out with the homeless ministry to California apartments, nothing much happened we just fed people quite a few kids which can be fun especially when they keep coming to ask for more brownies (I don’t blame them). We went back with leftover brownies and some salad so I dug into the brownies.
Tonight we are eating pizza with Michelle’s siblings and the couple we went to yaks with this week from Austin Texas (they don’t have such a strong accent just in case you were wondering).
Oh yes I just remembered yesterday during worship I kind of felt God tell me that for now I should let go of North Africa, start things going in Malta and then we’ll see what happens from there. I’m still not sure about that yet, but I wanted to let you guys know. I might start working on the drugs rehab thing or a discipleship house, don’t know yet. Yeah pray bout that and for all the provision needed. (and maybe a passionately supportive wife lol)
I danced and danced for the most part I just didn’t care what people thought and let go, at some points id get a bit conscious and would slow down a bit. The best and fun(est) part was when he started singing this song:
I’ve got the best dad
in the whole world
in the whole world
I’ve got the best dad
in the whole world
in the whole world
I’ve got the best dad
in the whole world
in the whole world
the other part was something like this but not sure of the exact words
My dad can,
beat your daddy up
My dad can,
beat your daddy up
there was another part at some point which said im not afraid of no bully
any way it was awesome, and there were a lot of people drunk in the spirit so at some points that made the whole thing even more fun. Here’s a good and fun place to get drunk in the spirit. There’s this one girl she laughs so loud and she laugh kinda like a mixture between a donkey and a chicken so u can just try to picture that. I had seen her last week before homeless outreach and I actually thought she was handicap but it turned out she is normal just has a lot of joy and laughs very loud and all the other stuff with that.
I noticed that part of the drunkenness is letting go, like you can choose to control yourself or you can decide to just let go, obviously not all react the same, I for example don’t get that maybe some day I will. But even if im dancing I can choose to control myself or I can choose to just let go which is ultimately more fun and more powerful.
After worship I joined the others for the night strike, it took us a long time before we left the service had already finished, we just prayed over each other before we left, locals over visitors and visitors over locals and people prophesying over each other, people drunk, Erika was leading and she was basically drunk but she can sober up quite quickly.
We went bought some doughnuts and went to the greyhound station. Before the bus came we hung out inside and talked to people there. Erika and someone else were talking to this man and his mother. The guy had just been talking to his mom about how he had fallen away from God the day before, so he re-committed his life to Christ there and then and he shared his testimony out loud in the station.
Some went on the buses gave out doughnuts, talked with people, prayed with people. One lady sang for the people on the bus, it was very good apparently. There was one guy who had just come out of prison and was going back home, he got saved in prison and was going back home where his old friends were, so he was a bit worried about that so Erica just prophesied over him and prayed and stuff. His girlfriend was a few seats back on the bus, he used to beat her up and stuff and she still had stitch marks and stuff from what I heard, Erica spoke to her about how she needed to forgive him but it didn’t mean she would have to trust him… By the time they left the bus these 2 were on the same seat crying.
There was quite some stuff that happened there but I wasn’t there so I don’t know al the details. I stayed inside the station since I started talking to this one guy before the bus came. Some people had tried to talk to him but he was really hard. He had just come from an eastern orthodox monastery, but he said he didn’t know how to pray spontaneously so I asked him what he thought prayed was. He couldn’t understand my accent so I told him I that I was a foreigner and that’s how we started just chatting and stuff.
So we talked about why he had converted to eastern orthodox, traditions, what it was like to be in a country where everyone else is from a different religion, travelling, Europe and here, politics, anything. The most important part was when he started talking about struggling with sin so I mentioned Romans 6-8 and talked about freedom from sin in Christ. That we are holy not because we make ourselves holy but be cause he comes to live in us and his holy nature takes over our sinful nature. And talked about when you are just struggling with a particular sin the best thing to do is not fight it off but to look to Christ meditate on Him and he will do the fighting for you. Talked a bit about holy Spirit asked if I could pray to Him about it but he wouldn’t let me so I asked if I could pray when I was home and he said yes.
After that I went outside and around a bit, met a homeless guy outside who told me he just got out of prison because he had a seizure so I asked if I could pray for him to get healed from that and he said go ahead so I did. He looked kind of drunk red skin and red eyes and stuff but he said he was on medication so he couldn’t function properly. A friend of his came out and I talked to him for a bit and asked if there was anything I could pray for him about and he said his girlfriend gets seizures all the time and that she had already had three that day. So I called the lady that had been singing and we prayed while we were praying she got another seizure so we kept praying and worshiping with them but then we just let them go cause they needed to go somewhere for the night.
The others all came out ready to leave at this point, James the first homeless guy I prayed for got prayed for by everyone else and he committed his life to Christ, I hope that was sincere and God does a great work in Him. Another lady a friend of his who had been out of town for a few months came with her drink cursing at him in a friendly manner, and he asked her if she wanted to pray and she said they had a date for Friday at church. Some prayed with her as well. She was telling us how she remembered Erica because some months ago she had Gone there with brownies for everyone and how she was blessed by that. Then we all shared some testimonies and prayed and went home.
This morning I went out with the homeless ministry to California apartments, nothing much happened we just fed people quite a few kids which can be fun especially when they keep coming to ask for more brownies (I don’t blame them). We went back with leftover brownies and some salad so I dug into the brownies.
Tonight we are eating pizza with Michelle’s siblings and the couple we went to yaks with this week from Austin Texas (they don’t have such a strong accent just in case you were wondering).
Oh yes I just remembered yesterday during worship I kind of felt God tell me that for now I should let go of North Africa, start things going in Malta and then we’ll see what happens from there. I’m still not sure about that yet, but I wanted to let you guys know. I might start working on the drugs rehab thing or a discipleship house, don’t know yet. Yeah pray bout that and for all the provision needed. (and maybe a passionately supportive wife lol)
Friday, August 17, 2007
Hey it’s been a long 2 or 3 days since my last email. Same as last few days been at home a lot reading and writing and stuff. I started a new blog (www.prayersmeditations.blogspot.com )which im using as the title states for prayer and meditations iv been working on. While doing that I realized I could actually put some ads on the blog so maybe I can fund myself a bit.
I wasn’t really keen on the idea of writing for money, I just want to write coz I guess it’s a passion God is growing inside me, but I know God gives us gifts for a reason and for now ill be experimenting with writing and stuff with some return maybe, might start a couple more blogs actually for different issues, coz I keep getting ideas about what I should write about or for different uses such as Jesus vs Mohammed maybe coz the book im reading at the moment is about that and it would be good source to have on the internet (might be a bit controversial though but I don’t mind truth is truth). I also thought of having one with just spontaneous writings, ones iv written in the past and ones I could just start writing
I don’t know this might be just an experiment but maybe it might turn out to be fruitful. Iv been praying a lot about what im supposed to do when I get back home and how I should make some money and where should I live and stuff like that so maybe this is some kind of answer, or maybe not and its just a distraction.
Im doing some writing and meditation on psalm 119, might do it even in audio, it’s really amazing how the writer seems to just fall in love with the law of God. He must have had such a revelation already of God’s grace because it’s easy (sometimes it’s still not that easy) for us to love the law now that we know it’s use and how it fits into our lives but back in the old testament most people live by the law (if they did) because they felt they had to not because they knew God’s love in liberating them from sin.
Yesterday afternoon I went to a lake close to Redding in Whiskey town with Michelle’s brother and 3 sisters, was fun and relaxing water was nice but I had a taste and it didn’t taste good. The water was deep not like the spring I had gone to so I had to actually swim which I enjoyed but it’s much harder to float in a lake in comparison to the sea.
In the evening there was the backpack give away organized by Bethel church in our neighbourhood so we went there, it was good there were a lot of people but there wasn’t anything we could do to help so we just watched and chat with a few people for a while and then we left.
Wednesday we went out with a couple who are going to be students at Bethel to a cafeteria at vineyard church called Yaks. It’s a very nice place relaxing and all, there was a whole lot of art all over, it’s one of the nicest cafes in town apparently. I had a pineapple smoothie, was going to try pina colada smoothie but I thought pineapple was much more safe.
Yeah I think that’s it for the day
Peace to all
I wasn’t really keen on the idea of writing for money, I just want to write coz I guess it’s a passion God is growing inside me, but I know God gives us gifts for a reason and for now ill be experimenting with writing and stuff with some return maybe, might start a couple more blogs actually for different issues, coz I keep getting ideas about what I should write about or for different uses such as Jesus vs Mohammed maybe coz the book im reading at the moment is about that and it would be good source to have on the internet (might be a bit controversial though but I don’t mind truth is truth). I also thought of having one with just spontaneous writings, ones iv written in the past and ones I could just start writing
I don’t know this might be just an experiment but maybe it might turn out to be fruitful. Iv been praying a lot about what im supposed to do when I get back home and how I should make some money and where should I live and stuff like that so maybe this is some kind of answer, or maybe not and its just a distraction.
Im doing some writing and meditation on psalm 119, might do it even in audio, it’s really amazing how the writer seems to just fall in love with the law of God. He must have had such a revelation already of God’s grace because it’s easy (sometimes it’s still not that easy) for us to love the law now that we know it’s use and how it fits into our lives but back in the old testament most people live by the law (if they did) because they felt they had to not because they knew God’s love in liberating them from sin.
Yesterday afternoon I went to a lake close to Redding in Whiskey town with Michelle’s brother and 3 sisters, was fun and relaxing water was nice but I had a taste and it didn’t taste good. The water was deep not like the spring I had gone to so I had to actually swim which I enjoyed but it’s much harder to float in a lake in comparison to the sea.
In the evening there was the backpack give away organized by Bethel church in our neighbourhood so we went there, it was good there were a lot of people but there wasn’t anything we could do to help so we just watched and chat with a few people for a while and then we left.
Wednesday we went out with a couple who are going to be students at Bethel to a cafeteria at vineyard church called Yaks. It’s a very nice place relaxing and all, there was a whole lot of art all over, it’s one of the nicest cafes in town apparently. I had a pineapple smoothie, was going to try pina colada smoothie but I thought pineapple was much more safe.
Yeah I think that’s it for the day
Peace to all
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
the last couple of days i v been "locked away" home throughout most of the day reading and stuff. monday evening i went for a walk with dan michel and aaron one of michelle's brothers. and yesterday i went to watch a movie with her family
these last 2 days i have been dreaming a lot,community, boiler rooms, discipleship houses for drugies and non drugies, orphanages (even schools but more for inner city kids in big cities), homes for abused peopleand prostitutes. kinda typical thing. reaching and changing community around us. dont have a clue how that stuf could be done, who would be doing it or how it would support itself. but im dreaming and he makes dreams come to reality, espescially when they are kingdom dreams.
while i was thinking bout writing this email i was going to read Psalm 1 but the page turned first to chapter112. Good stuff, you should try it (lol) ice cream to my soul and spirit
peace keep advancing the kingdom
these last 2 days i have been dreaming a lot,community, boiler rooms, discipleship houses for drugies and non drugies, orphanages (even schools but more for inner city kids in big cities), homes for abused peopleand prostitutes. kinda typical thing. reaching and changing community around us. dont have a clue how that stuf could be done, who would be doing it or how it would support itself. but im dreaming and he makes dreams come to reality, espescially when they are kingdom dreams.
while i was thinking bout writing this email i was going to read Psalm 1 but the page turned first to chapter112. Good stuff, you should try it (lol) ice cream to my soul and spirit
peace keep advancing the kingdom
Monday, August 13, 2007
Hey, Saturday night we hung out at some of Dan and michelle’s friends, unfortunately Dan had to go back to work for over an hour, so until he got back I was the only guy on the girls night out. It was ok they prepared brownies so I was happy. We watched a movie called Ghandi, it was very good, the day before Eric Johnson had talked about being a voice and that’s what Ghandi was he saw the plight of the people and he spoke it out.
We are all to be voices, but whose?
Yesterday morning I went to service Brian and Jenn weren’t leading the service, it’s weird I kept try to figure out who the worship leader reminded me of, his face reminded me of Valentino Rossi mixed with a bus driver who works in our area, his figure reminded me of Jeremy. It was good, something iv had these last 2 day during worship I get really distracted which is weird I don’t know why.
Bill Johnson spoke in the morning good stuff there was a lot of depth to it. About living for coming generations, pursuing God not only for ourselves but especially for generations we will never see.
In the afternoon we ate with michelle’s family it’s a huge family 2 brothers and 4 sisters, plus 3 visitors including me, the parents and Dan obviously. We just ate burgers and stuff.
In the evening Brian and Jenn led worship, Kris Valloton spoke, man he has such a revelation of the us as princes I had read a bit of supernatural ways of royalty it was similar to that, so good, we need to renew our mind to know that we are royals and noble people, sons of God and we should act like it. The way we see ourselves changes the way we talk, live and all that, it changes the way we act towards the poor, the rich, God, the enemy, family…
After the service there was a fire tunnel we went through twice, hehe. We then went to the supermarket bought a couple of things we met michelle’s family there again. We then went home and chat for the rest of the night, me and Dan were up till almost 2 in the morning coz he was building a model so we chat while he was doing that.
That’s it for today, good day
We are all to be voices, but whose?
Yesterday morning I went to service Brian and Jenn weren’t leading the service, it’s weird I kept try to figure out who the worship leader reminded me of, his face reminded me of Valentino Rossi mixed with a bus driver who works in our area, his figure reminded me of Jeremy. It was good, something iv had these last 2 day during worship I get really distracted which is weird I don’t know why.
Bill Johnson spoke in the morning good stuff there was a lot of depth to it. About living for coming generations, pursuing God not only for ourselves but especially for generations we will never see.
In the afternoon we ate with michelle’s family it’s a huge family 2 brothers and 4 sisters, plus 3 visitors including me, the parents and Dan obviously. We just ate burgers and stuff.
In the evening Brian and Jenn led worship, Kris Valloton spoke, man he has such a revelation of the us as princes I had read a bit of supernatural ways of royalty it was similar to that, so good, we need to renew our mind to know that we are royals and noble people, sons of God and we should act like it. The way we see ourselves changes the way we talk, live and all that, it changes the way we act towards the poor, the rich, God, the enemy, family…
After the service there was a fire tunnel we went through twice, hehe. We then went to the supermarket bought a couple of things we met michelle’s family there again. We then went home and chat for the rest of the night, me and Dan were up till almost 2 in the morning coz he was building a model so we chat while he was doing that.
That’s it for today, good day
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Hey umm, sooo. These last three days have been pretty good, very relaxed, stayed at home all day Thursday and yesterday stayed home till 2pm. So I quite some time to read, been trying to finish some of the books Fabian lent me so I would be able to give them back by the time I leave.
I dunno if I told u but Monday I bought 11 books from IHOP, so im well supplied with books. Some people also gave me books before I left fire and even before I left malta so I think I have 25 books im carrying around at the moment.
Im talking bout book coz today I went to bethel bookstore only had a look from the outside coz it was closed but there’s already a whole bunch of books id like to get. So what I thought would be a good idea is to ask u guys, if there are bethel books you have so I wont buy them, at least that will save me some money and weight. So please let me know which books u have from here so I wont buy, thank you.
Ok so what else?
Well yesterday I went to bethel for the first time it’s pretty big from the outside, but they have a lot of large rooms so the actual meeting place for services is not that huge, it’s smaller than IHOP’s at least, it fits around 2000 people. John Mark McMillan and his wife Sarah McMillan (formerly Kelly for those who know her music) were leading worship, they were just visiting, it’s good stuff, got into it right away and well u know just worship it’s not like a concert or something.
Eric Johnson (Bill’s son) spoke he’s really good talked about pursuing God’s promises no matter how long it takes. He is 85% deaf in each ear so he uses hearing aids, u can tell a bit by his voice as well, but this guy has seen a ton of people healed especially deaf people. And that’s basically what he talked about, every deaf person healed is a day closer to his healing, not because he is trying to get points but because his pursuit for healing (his pain) is what stirs him on to heal the sick, he made reference to cyclists how they use their pain to push themselves onwards. I recorded the msg but I cant put it online for now.
I wanted to go out with people for the night strike last night but I missed it, ill go next time.
This morning went a bit to the prayer room then I went to the main building to wait for the meeting with people who were going out to feed homeless and poor. I was a bit hungry so I tried buying a snickers from a machine but it wasn’t working, after a few seconds another 2 guys came and they were going to buy some I told them it didn’t work coz I tried, so they invited me to go buy something with them, first I wasn’t sure then I just went. We went to subway I got a foot long meat ball roll, was good but one guy wouldn’t let me pay had a short discussion until he said can I bless u and I said yes but and then it dawned on me what I had just said so I said ok.
Went out with the homeless ministry but they have 7 different groups going to different places, I went to Brookside apartment buildings, they are cheap apartments so people there aren’t homeless but very poor, so we set up a table with food and drinks. Two guys stayed with the table to feed people but for the most part there was only one guy there and the other just played with the kids from the apartments coz there weren’t that many people. The other three went door to door inviting people to come and also praying for people’s needs.
We prayed with one lady with flu another with a broken leg and another lady who had all sorts of stuff wrong with her: broken back, something wrong with feet, lost teeth and wrist. So we prayed for her back first then the other guy with me felt there was something wrong with her feet coz she hadn’t told us so we both prayed for her feet. Then we stood and asked her if there is something she cannot do so she can test herself, she said I cannot hold pans and she started telling us what was wrong with her wrist, so we prayed for her wrist and told her to test it, she went and held the pan, she said well there’s no pain at all, then after a sec she said well there is a bit but I couldn’t do that at all yesterday. So yay God we believe if her wrist was healed he also healed the rest.
We prayed with another guy not sure why coz I hadn’t been talking to him I just joined in prayer but it had something to do with football or something, I think maybe an injury, any way we prayed with him, he was really blessed, he seemed to me like he was holding back tears, but I don’t know exactly.
God bless u guys that’s it for today.
I dunno if I told u but Monday I bought 11 books from IHOP, so im well supplied with books. Some people also gave me books before I left fire and even before I left malta so I think I have 25 books im carrying around at the moment.
Im talking bout book coz today I went to bethel bookstore only had a look from the outside coz it was closed but there’s already a whole bunch of books id like to get. So what I thought would be a good idea is to ask u guys, if there are bethel books you have so I wont buy them, at least that will save me some money and weight. So please let me know which books u have from here so I wont buy, thank you.
Ok so what else?
Well yesterday I went to bethel for the first time it’s pretty big from the outside, but they have a lot of large rooms so the actual meeting place for services is not that huge, it’s smaller than IHOP’s at least, it fits around 2000 people. John Mark McMillan and his wife Sarah McMillan (formerly Kelly for those who know her music) were leading worship, they were just visiting, it’s good stuff, got into it right away and well u know just worship it’s not like a concert or something.
Eric Johnson (Bill’s son) spoke he’s really good talked about pursuing God’s promises no matter how long it takes. He is 85% deaf in each ear so he uses hearing aids, u can tell a bit by his voice as well, but this guy has seen a ton of people healed especially deaf people. And that’s basically what he talked about, every deaf person healed is a day closer to his healing, not because he is trying to get points but because his pursuit for healing (his pain) is what stirs him on to heal the sick, he made reference to cyclists how they use their pain to push themselves onwards. I recorded the msg but I cant put it online for now.
I wanted to go out with people for the night strike last night but I missed it, ill go next time.
This morning went a bit to the prayer room then I went to the main building to wait for the meeting with people who were going out to feed homeless and poor. I was a bit hungry so I tried buying a snickers from a machine but it wasn’t working, after a few seconds another 2 guys came and they were going to buy some I told them it didn’t work coz I tried, so they invited me to go buy something with them, first I wasn’t sure then I just went. We went to subway I got a foot long meat ball roll, was good but one guy wouldn’t let me pay had a short discussion until he said can I bless u and I said yes but and then it dawned on me what I had just said so I said ok.
Went out with the homeless ministry but they have 7 different groups going to different places, I went to Brookside apartment buildings, they are cheap apartments so people there aren’t homeless but very poor, so we set up a table with food and drinks. Two guys stayed with the table to feed people but for the most part there was only one guy there and the other just played with the kids from the apartments coz there weren’t that many people. The other three went door to door inviting people to come and also praying for people’s needs.
We prayed with one lady with flu another with a broken leg and another lady who had all sorts of stuff wrong with her: broken back, something wrong with feet, lost teeth and wrist. So we prayed for her back first then the other guy with me felt there was something wrong with her feet coz she hadn’t told us so we both prayed for her feet. Then we stood and asked her if there is something she cannot do so she can test herself, she said I cannot hold pans and she started telling us what was wrong with her wrist, so we prayed for her wrist and told her to test it, she went and held the pan, she said well there’s no pain at all, then after a sec she said well there is a bit but I couldn’t do that at all yesterday. So yay God we believe if her wrist was healed he also healed the rest.
We prayed with another guy not sure why coz I hadn’t been talking to him I just joined in prayer but it had something to do with football or something, I think maybe an injury, any way we prayed with him, he was really blessed, he seemed to me like he was holding back tears, but I don’t know exactly.
God bless u guys that’s it for today.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Ok. I got to Redding a few hours again. I’m living, at least for now with a couple and 2 girls living with them. None of them have lived here for more than 2 weeks should be interesting since it’s almost nobody’s home.
The trip was LONG, 40 hours in all. I saw some nice stuff but most of it was pretty boring, I saw the Rocky Mountains and tried to video them but I don’t think they came out that good, we’ll see. I went through Wyoming for 6 hours or so and that is basically wasteland. A grass dessert with nothing a few fences for cattle which for the most part u don’t even see, there was also 2 wind farms and 2 small towns. Went through Nevada with all the casinos… Reno (like sister act). Between Reno and Sacramento it gets really nice, with mountains and trees and stuff.
Anyway don’t know what else to tell u for now I’m sure I’ll have something to write soon but for now that’s it.
Thank You and Good Bye.
Ok. I got to Redding a few hours again. I’m living, at least for now with a couple and 2 girls living with them. None of them have lived here for more than 2 weeks should be interesting since it’s almost nobody’s home.
The trip was LONG, 40 hours in all. I saw some nice stuff but most of it was pretty boring, I saw the Rocky Mountains and tried to video them but I don’t think they came out that good, we’ll see. I went through Wyoming for 6 hours or so and that is basically wasteland. A grass dessert with nothing a few fences for cattle which for the most part u don’t even see, there was also 2 wind farms and 2 small towns. Went through Nevada with all the casinos… Reno (like sister act). Between Reno and Sacramento it gets really nice, with mountains and trees and stuff.
Anyway don’t know what else to tell u for now I’m sure I’ll have something to write soon but for now that’s it.
Thank You and Good Bye.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Hey hows it goin?
Yesterday I went to eat at Angel and Barry’s place (angel is eve’s sister and for those who do not know Ben and eve are an American couple back Home). The Kids are so sweet did get to see the youngest coz she was sleeping, the oldest (Emily) first wouldn’t look at me then asked her mum if I was a girl or a boy she told he to ask me. Then she turned to me and said “are you a girl?” I started shaking my head coz I could speak while attempting not to laugh. She drew 2 pictures and gave one to Dan and one to me. (how sweet)
We had good conversation talking bout living the Kingdom, healing the sick raising the dead… also talked bout Calvinism and armenianism which a subject that seem to keep coming up everywhere I go even at FIRE, I believe they are both extremes and there is something in between. It also came up while talking to a girl on the stret that evening.
Yesterday we went out with the evangelism team. It was intense stuff a lot more people came out then usual. But it was intense like there were 2 atheists attacking Paul who was preaching, lets’ call it debating not attacking. But it was so hard to reason with them coz when they used science we used science and they rejected it, when they mentioned other religions we talked bout other religions, when they talked bout morality we talked bout God’s law, they’d refer to history but if we referred to history it wasn’t good enough. It was really hard, another guy came later and they’re so closed minded even though im sure that’s what they think of us as well.
Prayed with quite a few people, there was a group of people interning at Heartland community church don’t know what that is but yeah we just prayed together with them and more and more people would join us in prayer, good stuff. Had a few good conversation even just with Christians.
There was one group of 3 guys, this guy who came out with us was like “My life was like this, I slept with any girl I could get into my team, smoked pot, drank as much as I could…” they were like “Yeah, Yeah” then he said “but now Jesus Changed my life, im married and don’t sleep around anymore, quit drinking…” then they asked a few questions, and I joined in, noticed they thought they were saved so I tried to focus on freedom of sin, that if u are truly saved u are no longer a slave to sin, they were like “Yeah, Yeah, we’re on the same page”, yes right, hmmm anyway we prayed with them that God would reveal himself to them, they left then.
We got back late, at 12:30 or so I was at IHOP, since yesterday they moved back to the actual prayer room which is very close to where I live, I stayed for the night watch till 4 am. Was good, there was quite a few people considering the time of night and people kept coming and going I saw people just get there at 3:30. There were even men and women with their young babies less than 6 months old going round the prayer room, one of the was the wife of Clay Edwards (Misty’s brother), she had a session at 4am and it seemed so natural to be there with kids.
Went home slept till 9:30 or so and got up started getting ready for church service, Wes Hall preached, powerful stuff bout living the Kingdom now while looking for the coming Kingdom not looking only for something in the future, expecting it now and living it now but also looking for the future glory. He made a comment about how people cannot be bothered with religion or Christ because it is not at all real. And that we need to start living the Kingdom, seeing the sick healed and dead raised as part of our daily life.
In the after noon I signed up for the prophetic rooms, I went and they prophesied over me, some of it just confirmed what I others had prophesied over me throughout the week, but other stuff I never expected and they all focused on the on the thing that I did not expect and see in me. I know they were right coz my heart went ablaze as they spoke but I just never expected what they said, wasn’t something I really pictured my self being. Any way its good.
In the evening I went to the Boiler room with a guy called Benjamin He is a Jesus stoner/ semi-hippie and a few of his friends, he is a good friend of Dan and Dan wasn’t goin to he offered to pick me up. He is a really sweet guy he is goin to be a missionary going throughout central America planting houses of prayer, so pray for that.
The boiler is such a blend of stoners, punks, junkies and standard people it’s amazing, I don’t think there is even one person over 30 years old, most have this weird style of clothes but they’re cool. I was there for worship this time which I missed last time, they have liturgies something we do not see in churches most of the time, but the liturgies are just praying of scripture together, one guy leads and the others join in for parts of it, like what they do in the catholic church. It was interesting, they also had a meditation on worship songs, or scripture, u know like the practice of the presence of God. They also had an old hymn, something you would not normally picture a group of 60 young adults doing.
Adam one of the leaders shared, and he played this dvd of a guy giving a message about the greatness of God and the smallness of man using pictures of the universe and how He created the heavens to worship Him and reveal his glory, and yet this God gave his life for us (ill add something myself here, this God who created this huge universe lives inside us). Adam then spoke bout how this God is always with us no matter what we are going through and that we should trust Him.
After we were done, I talked to this one guy who is 26 years old but seemed younger then me. He quit school at 17 and has been travelling ever since, he said that it is almost addictive because you don’t have responsibilities or ties, I think he was a bit grieved by the fact that he couldn’t set his roots anywhere. He has only been here for a couple of days. Pray that he might get more of the peace of God in his life and clearer direction from him.
I went into the prayer room, it’s a very simple room, they have a map of the world in there and they put needles in places where they know there are missionaries or other Christian who are making an impact for Jesus. There is a need le on Malta guess coz some of them know Ben an Eve.
We left there and went to Panchos (Mexican restaurant) for a Burrito. Was good but very greasy, the chicken tasted good but looked more like tuna.
Im at the prayer room now writing this, the internet is not working here so ill have to go around a bit to find a good spot. Today’s was a very long email sorry bout that.
Tomorrow evening I leave for Redding.
Yesterday I went to eat at Angel and Barry’s place (angel is eve’s sister and for those who do not know Ben and eve are an American couple back Home). The Kids are so sweet did get to see the youngest coz she was sleeping, the oldest (Emily) first wouldn’t look at me then asked her mum if I was a girl or a boy she told he to ask me. Then she turned to me and said “are you a girl?” I started shaking my head coz I could speak while attempting not to laugh. She drew 2 pictures and gave one to Dan and one to me. (how sweet)
We had good conversation talking bout living the Kingdom, healing the sick raising the dead… also talked bout Calvinism and armenianism which a subject that seem to keep coming up everywhere I go even at FIRE, I believe they are both extremes and there is something in between. It also came up while talking to a girl on the stret that evening.
Yesterday we went out with the evangelism team. It was intense stuff a lot more people came out then usual. But it was intense like there were 2 atheists attacking Paul who was preaching, lets’ call it debating not attacking. But it was so hard to reason with them coz when they used science we used science and they rejected it, when they mentioned other religions we talked bout other religions, when they talked bout morality we talked bout God’s law, they’d refer to history but if we referred to history it wasn’t good enough. It was really hard, another guy came later and they’re so closed minded even though im sure that’s what they think of us as well.
Prayed with quite a few people, there was a group of people interning at Heartland community church don’t know what that is but yeah we just prayed together with them and more and more people would join us in prayer, good stuff. Had a few good conversation even just with Christians.
There was one group of 3 guys, this guy who came out with us was like “My life was like this, I slept with any girl I could get into my team, smoked pot, drank as much as I could…” they were like “Yeah, Yeah” then he said “but now Jesus Changed my life, im married and don’t sleep around anymore, quit drinking…” then they asked a few questions, and I joined in, noticed they thought they were saved so I tried to focus on freedom of sin, that if u are truly saved u are no longer a slave to sin, they were like “Yeah, Yeah, we’re on the same page”, yes right, hmmm anyway we prayed with them that God would reveal himself to them, they left then.
We got back late, at 12:30 or so I was at IHOP, since yesterday they moved back to the actual prayer room which is very close to where I live, I stayed for the night watch till 4 am. Was good, there was quite a few people considering the time of night and people kept coming and going I saw people just get there at 3:30. There were even men and women with their young babies less than 6 months old going round the prayer room, one of the was the wife of Clay Edwards (Misty’s brother), she had a session at 4am and it seemed so natural to be there with kids.
Went home slept till 9:30 or so and got up started getting ready for church service, Wes Hall preached, powerful stuff bout living the Kingdom now while looking for the coming Kingdom not looking only for something in the future, expecting it now and living it now but also looking for the future glory. He made a comment about how people cannot be bothered with religion or Christ because it is not at all real. And that we need to start living the Kingdom, seeing the sick healed and dead raised as part of our daily life.
In the after noon I signed up for the prophetic rooms, I went and they prophesied over me, some of it just confirmed what I others had prophesied over me throughout the week, but other stuff I never expected and they all focused on the on the thing that I did not expect and see in me. I know they were right coz my heart went ablaze as they spoke but I just never expected what they said, wasn’t something I really pictured my self being. Any way its good.
In the evening I went to the Boiler room with a guy called Benjamin He is a Jesus stoner/ semi-hippie and a few of his friends, he is a good friend of Dan and Dan wasn’t goin to he offered to pick me up. He is a really sweet guy he is goin to be a missionary going throughout central America planting houses of prayer, so pray for that.
The boiler is such a blend of stoners, punks, junkies and standard people it’s amazing, I don’t think there is even one person over 30 years old, most have this weird style of clothes but they’re cool. I was there for worship this time which I missed last time, they have liturgies something we do not see in churches most of the time, but the liturgies are just praying of scripture together, one guy leads and the others join in for parts of it, like what they do in the catholic church. It was interesting, they also had a meditation on worship songs, or scripture, u know like the practice of the presence of God. They also had an old hymn, something you would not normally picture a group of 60 young adults doing.
Adam one of the leaders shared, and he played this dvd of a guy giving a message about the greatness of God and the smallness of man using pictures of the universe and how He created the heavens to worship Him and reveal his glory, and yet this God gave his life for us (ill add something myself here, this God who created this huge universe lives inside us). Adam then spoke bout how this God is always with us no matter what we are going through and that we should trust Him.
After we were done, I talked to this one guy who is 26 years old but seemed younger then me. He quit school at 17 and has been travelling ever since, he said that it is almost addictive because you don’t have responsibilities or ties, I think he was a bit grieved by the fact that he couldn’t set his roots anywhere. He has only been here for a couple of days. Pray that he might get more of the peace of God in his life and clearer direction from him.
I went into the prayer room, it’s a very simple room, they have a map of the world in there and they put needles in places where they know there are missionaries or other Christian who are making an impact for Jesus. There is a need le on Malta guess coz some of them know Ben an Eve.
We left there and went to Panchos (Mexican restaurant) for a Burrito. Was good but very greasy, the chicken tasted good but looked more like tuna.
Im at the prayer room now writing this, the internet is not working here so ill have to go around a bit to find a good spot. Today’s was a very long email sorry bout that.
Tomorrow evening I leave for Redding.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Nayong-Hoseo (Hello in Korean)
I hope I got that right, the two girls who came out yesterday witnessing were Korean and I asked them to teach me something in Korean, but that was last night so im not sure I remember correctly.
So Thursday I went out with the homeless ministry people, mostly I spent the night cooking (barbecuing hot dogs). Adam and I got to pray with this one guy, he had an accident in 1990 and was bound to a wheelchair, by now hw had stopped using the wheelchair and was walking using crutches but he wanted a job and some other stuff, so we prayed for his back twice and for a job and the other stuff. Didn’t really see much happen on the spot. Adam sensed he need to repent from some stuff and I sensed he needed to forgive so we told him bout that. When we got back to IHOP one of the guys walked up to me to let me know I should be careful with him coz he has been around a long time and is very good at manipulating people. So I guess it’s a good thing im leaving.
On my way there I was studying the counties and stuff so the guy who taught me them would be proud of himself for teaching me a foreigner, in fact when he started asking me stuff he got really excited and stuff. So that’s awesome.
Yesterday I went out with one of the guys here to Elephant Bar he just wanted to hang out, good food, pretty expensive for me but not too bad and in the end I ended up not paying either so it was a blessing. The place is cool, very kitch (not sure how to spell that) it looks like Africa, giraffes elephants and zebras all over with zebra marks on the roof as well as giraffe dots… the weird thing about it is that they don’t serve any African food, it’s pretty international food I guess but mostly American and Asian so im not sure where Africa fits in.
Then I went to Friday night meeting, Misty was teaching I recorded her ill try upload it for u guys, u know I just love misty so its good stuff id advise any to listen to.
After that we went out to a fair somewhere in Kansas to do witnessing there. Mostly we just handed out tracts. We talked to a few people but most people cut it short saying they r Christians, saved or born again, I didn’t press those people much, I probably should have coz everyone here thinks they are saved.
Talked with a Hindu lady we asked if typical stuff if she died tonight whether she would go to heaven or hell she wasn’t sure so told her that we are all sinners deserving hell, I might have taken a bit through the law but not sure, then told her that God became man and died that he might pay the price for us and all we have to do is repent and give ourselves to Him. She didn’t give much of a response, just listened, I encouraged her to repent and left it at that. I wish I would see people making that decision there and then but then again a decision is worthless if it is not pursued, so I don’t want to push people into a decision they r not ready to make.
Also talked to a Hispanic guy he was part of a group of 4 we had some Hispanic tracts so we went for them, he asked what the tracts were and I gave a short gospel. He looked like he had been drinking so I wasn’t sure whether he was mocking or serious when he talked but then in the end he kinda sobered up a bit and said thank you. We left then and went on.
That was basically it for the night, we drove home, oh yeah. When I got home there was guy outside talking to Dan, he has a heart for muslims and wants to go to Israel to witness to muslims, so we talked a bit ate some toast together and we both ended up with each other’s email.
Ok I guess that’s it for this broadcast. Monday evening we will be heading out of KC and i will arrive at redding California Wednesday afternoon. Stuff for accommodation there is looking good although nothing is confirmed yet.
God bless u all
I hope I got that right, the two girls who came out yesterday witnessing were Korean and I asked them to teach me something in Korean, but that was last night so im not sure I remember correctly.
So Thursday I went out with the homeless ministry people, mostly I spent the night cooking (barbecuing hot dogs). Adam and I got to pray with this one guy, he had an accident in 1990 and was bound to a wheelchair, by now hw had stopped using the wheelchair and was walking using crutches but he wanted a job and some other stuff, so we prayed for his back twice and for a job and the other stuff. Didn’t really see much happen on the spot. Adam sensed he need to repent from some stuff and I sensed he needed to forgive so we told him bout that. When we got back to IHOP one of the guys walked up to me to let me know I should be careful with him coz he has been around a long time and is very good at manipulating people. So I guess it’s a good thing im leaving.
On my way there I was studying the counties and stuff so the guy who taught me them would be proud of himself for teaching me a foreigner, in fact when he started asking me stuff he got really excited and stuff. So that’s awesome.
Yesterday I went out with one of the guys here to Elephant Bar he just wanted to hang out, good food, pretty expensive for me but not too bad and in the end I ended up not paying either so it was a blessing. The place is cool, very kitch (not sure how to spell that) it looks like Africa, giraffes elephants and zebras all over with zebra marks on the roof as well as giraffe dots… the weird thing about it is that they don’t serve any African food, it’s pretty international food I guess but mostly American and Asian so im not sure where Africa fits in.
Then I went to Friday night meeting, Misty was teaching I recorded her ill try upload it for u guys, u know I just love misty so its good stuff id advise any to listen to.
After that we went out to a fair somewhere in Kansas to do witnessing there. Mostly we just handed out tracts. We talked to a few people but most people cut it short saying they r Christians, saved or born again, I didn’t press those people much, I probably should have coz everyone here thinks they are saved.
Talked with a Hindu lady we asked if typical stuff if she died tonight whether she would go to heaven or hell she wasn’t sure so told her that we are all sinners deserving hell, I might have taken a bit through the law but not sure, then told her that God became man and died that he might pay the price for us and all we have to do is repent and give ourselves to Him. She didn’t give much of a response, just listened, I encouraged her to repent and left it at that. I wish I would see people making that decision there and then but then again a decision is worthless if it is not pursued, so I don’t want to push people into a decision they r not ready to make.
Also talked to a Hispanic guy he was part of a group of 4 we had some Hispanic tracts so we went for them, he asked what the tracts were and I gave a short gospel. He looked like he had been drinking so I wasn’t sure whether he was mocking or serious when he talked but then in the end he kinda sobered up a bit and said thank you. We left then and went on.
That was basically it for the night, we drove home, oh yeah. When I got home there was guy outside talking to Dan, he has a heart for muslims and wants to go to Israel to witness to muslims, so we talked a bit ate some toast together and we both ended up with each other’s email.
Ok I guess that’s it for this broadcast. Monday evening we will be heading out of KC and i will arrive at redding California Wednesday afternoon. Stuff for accommodation there is looking good although nothing is confirmed yet.
God bless u all
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Hey, yesterday we didn’t go swing dancing when we got there the guy remembered that on Wednesdays there aren’t enough girls so, its no fun dancing with ourselves. So we ended up going to Krispy Kreme (a doughnut place) so Eve will be proud of me. I had a chocolate something glazed and a classic glazed doughnut. Not much to comment bout that umm, sugar, sugar, sugar.
I didn’t get to talk to the guy his throat was in pain and there was another guy with us. I did get to talk to someone else before going out and that was very good, we talked and prayed for quite a while. It’s good to watch God bring situations through my path where he uses me to touch others.
This evening I should be going out with the homeless ministry again.
Hey, yesterday we didn’t go swing dancing when we got there the guy remembered that on Wednesdays there aren’t enough girls so, its no fun dancing with ourselves. So we ended up going to Krispy Kreme (a doughnut place) so Eve will be proud of me. I had a chocolate something glazed and a classic glazed doughnut. Not much to comment bout that umm, sugar, sugar, sugar.
I didn’t get to talk to the guy his throat was in pain and there was another guy with us. I did get to talk to someone else before going out and that was very good, we talked and prayed for quite a while. It’s good to watch God bring situations through my path where he uses me to touch others.
This evening I should be going out with the homeless ministry again.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Last night I stayed up late copying music onto my computer, well over 20 cds (abby will be proud of me).Some of the CDs are older and im sure Patrick has some of them like Morningstar, Don Potter, Kevin Prosch and Catch the fire 1995. There were also quite a few teachings. So then this morning I woke up late (at 8:30) I didn’t go to the prayer room till about 10.
This morning at the prayer room there was a lot of intercession mostly for countries with persecution was good. God gave me a word for some one and I wasn’t sure if it was him or not so I waited for about 5-10 minutes before I went to talk to the guy, he actually left(I thought it’s too late now) but then came back. So after a little while longer I went up to him. It’s strange how He gave me the word, I looked at this guy and saw the word ‘Chinese’ written in the air, just like when u stare at something long enough and then u look at something else u see an outline of that thing u were looking at. That’s partly why I really wasn’t sure, in fact I started looking all around that area just in case there was ‘Chinese’ written somewhere and that’s what I saw but there wasn’t.
So any way I told him and he said “Right on!” he started smiling and asked me if there was something else, I told him no im not even sure if it is from God or not. Then I left. Around 10 mins later he came up to me and said “I want to encourage u coz I know what it’s like, I have had china and specifically shanghai on my heart for a few years and was praying for a prophetic confirmation from others.” My eyes went wide open and I started smiling and I was like God is SOOOO amazing, (After last Saturday I started praying that he would help me grow in prophetic especially when witnessing) and the guy who prophesied over me yesterday mentioned prophetic, not sure bout the 2 the day before. So it’s encouraging how God uses me even though I’m so insecure and afraid of failing. He really is encouraging me to grow. It’s obvious that it’s not my own ability.
This evening Im going swing dancing, pray God would use me even there for His glory, the guy im going up with is a backslidden believer, I tried to talk to him yesterday but he couldn’t coz he had a sore throat or something. And also God would keep me from any temptation (I really don’t know what to expect there) and HE would also use me to Speak into other people’s lives.
Il-Paci maghkom
This morning at the prayer room there was a lot of intercession mostly for countries with persecution was good. God gave me a word for some one and I wasn’t sure if it was him or not so I waited for about 5-10 minutes before I went to talk to the guy, he actually left(I thought it’s too late now) but then came back. So after a little while longer I went up to him. It’s strange how He gave me the word, I looked at this guy and saw the word ‘Chinese’ written in the air, just like when u stare at something long enough and then u look at something else u see an outline of that thing u were looking at. That’s partly why I really wasn’t sure, in fact I started looking all around that area just in case there was ‘Chinese’ written somewhere and that’s what I saw but there wasn’t.
So any way I told him and he said “Right on!” he started smiling and asked me if there was something else, I told him no im not even sure if it is from God or not. Then I left. Around 10 mins later he came up to me and said “I want to encourage u coz I know what it’s like, I have had china and specifically shanghai on my heart for a few years and was praying for a prophetic confirmation from others.” My eyes went wide open and I started smiling and I was like God is SOOOO amazing, (After last Saturday I started praying that he would help me grow in prophetic especially when witnessing) and the guy who prophesied over me yesterday mentioned prophetic, not sure bout the 2 the day before. So it’s encouraging how God uses me even though I’m so insecure and afraid of failing. He really is encouraging me to grow. It’s obvious that it’s not my own ability.
This evening Im going swing dancing, pray God would use me even there for His glory, the guy im going up with is a backslidden believer, I tried to talk to him yesterday but he couldn’t coz he had a sore throat or something. And also God would keep me from any temptation (I really don’t know what to expect there) and HE would also use me to Speak into other people’s lives.
Il-Paci maghkom
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